Hallway Floor Tiles

Hallway Floor Tiles

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323 products

Lue Verve Onyx Blanco60 x 120cm 10mm Tile Bedroom Flooring PorcelainLue Verve Onyx Blanco 60 x 120cm 10mm Tile Bedroom Flooring Porcelain
Lumious White Polished 60 x 120cm Living Room FLooring Marble Onyx Effect Porcelain TileLumious White Polished 60 x 120cm Tile Swatch Marble Onyx Effect
Luna BLanco 75 x 75cm Polished Marble Effect Porcelain TIle Living Room FlooringLuna BLanco 75 x 75cm Polished Marble Effect Porcelain TIle Living Room Floor
Maori Miele 20 x 120cm Rect Wood Effect Porcelain TIle Kitchen FlooringMaoir Miele 20 x 120cm rect Wood Effect Porcelain Tile Flooring Living Room
Mic 2.2 White Polished 60 x 60cm TIle Lounge FlooringMic 2.0 White Polished 60 x 60cm Tile Swatch
Mood Smoke 60 x 120cm GT Stone Effect Tile Chair Floor and WallMood Smoke 60 x 120cm GT Stone Effect Tile Hallway
Miyolla Zinco 7.5 x 38.5cm Stone Effect Tile BathroomMiyolli ZInco 7.5 x 38.5cm Stone Effect Tile
Milton Grey Grande 60 x 120cm Lounge FlooringMilton Grey Grande 60 x 120cm TIle Swatch
Withos Ghiccio 100 x 100cm TIle Living Room FlooringMithos Ghiccio 100 x 100cm TIle Swatch
Mullic Ceniza 45 x 90cm Stone Effect Tile BathroomMullic Ceniza 45 x 90cm Stone Effect Tile Spa Room Set
Moreno Gris 60 x 60cm Polished Tile Wall Room setMoreno Gris 60 x 60cm Polished Tile Swatch
Mulic Marfil 45 x 90cm Stone Effect Porcelain Tile FlooringMulic Marfil 45 x 90cm Tile Swatch
Musee Fabre Cenere Stone Effect TIle Living Room FlooringMusee Fabre Cenere Stone Effect Tile Living Room Flooring
Musee Fabre Moka Stone Effect Tile Living Room FlooringMusee Fabre Moka Stone Effect Tile Living Room Flooring
Mutina Bianco 60 x 120cm Polushed MArble Effect TileBathroom WallMutina Bianco 60 x 120cm POlished Marble Effect Tile Swatch
Mutina Noir 60 x 120cm Polished Marble Effect Porcelain Tile Bathroom FlooringMutina Noir 60 x 120cm Polished Marble Effect Porcelain TIle Swatch
Nature HIve blue 60 x 120cm Pulido Onyx Effect Tile Dining RoomNature Hive Blue 60 x 120cm Pulido Onyx Effct Tile Swatch
Neolithic Ash 100 x 100cm Rect Stone Effect Tile Living Room FloorNeolithic Ash 100 x 100cm Rect Stone Effect Tile Swatch
Neolithic Sand 100 x 100cm Rect Stone Effect Tile Dining Room Floor and WallNeolithic Sand 100 x 100cm Rect Stone Effect Tile Swatch
Obacko Aqua Polished Onyx Effect Tile 60 x 120cm Dining Room FloorObacko Aqua Polished Onyx Effect Tile 60 x 120cm Swatch
Oback Black Decoro Polished Onyx Effect Tile 60 x 120cm Living Room WallOback Black Decoro Poished Onyx Effect Tile 60 x 120cm Swatch B
Obacko Black Polished Porcelain Onyx Effect Tile 60 x 120cm Living Room FloorObacko Black Polished Porcelain Onyx Effect Tile 60 x 120cm Swatch
Ohio Grey Stone Porcelain Tile 61 x 61cm
Old Wall Street Vintage Decor 7.5 x 25cm Tile WallOld Wall Old Street Vintage Patterned Subway Tile 7.5 x 25cm
Onix Perla Polished Onyx Efect Porcelain Floor and Wall Tile Living Room FloorOnix Perla Polished Onyx Efect Porcelain Floor and Wall Tile Swatch
Onix White Polished Onyx Effect Porcelain Tile Dining Room FloorOnix White Polished Onyx Effect Porcelain Tile Swatch
Oreo Luxor Greige Polished 60 x 120cm Living Room Floor and WallsOreo Luxor Greige Polished 60 x  120cm Swatch
Oswald Natural Anti-Slip 60 x 60cm Stone Effect Porcelain TIle Living Area FlooringOswald Natural anti-slip 60 x 60cm Stone Effect Porcelain Tile Swatch
Palace Infibre Black Onyx Effect Porcelain Tile Dining RoomPalace Infibre Black Onyx Effect Porcelain Tile Tabletop
Oxium Brut 60 x 120cm lobby WallOxium Brut 60 x 120cm Swatch
Palace Santepe Brown Stone Effect Tile 120 x 120cm living Room FloorPalace Santepe Brown Stone Effect TIle 60 x 120cm Swatch
Patrimoine Earth 60 x 90cm Indor Tile FlooringPatrimoine Earth 60 x 90cm TIle Swatch
Patrimoine Moon 60 x 90cm Indoor Stone Effect Tile SwatchPatrimoine Moon 60 x 90cm Indoor Stone Effect Floor and Wall TIle Swatch
Patrimoine Sand 60 x 90cm Stone Effect Tile FlooringPatrimoine Sand 60 x 90cm Stone Effect Tile Swatch
Pav Star Grey 45 x 45cm Patterned Tile Swatch
Plantin Blanco Rec 60 x 60cm Brillo Marble Effect Tile Living Room FlooringPlatin Blanco  Rec 60 x 60cm Brillo Marble Effect Tile KItchen Flooring
Quintos Silver Pulido 60 x 120cm Onyx Effect Tile Living Room Floor and WallQuintos Silver Pulido 60 x 120cm Onyx Effect TIle Living Room Floor and Wall
Qurfue Gris 75 x 75cm Lappato Stone Effect floor and wAll Porcelain Tile Living Room FlooringQurfue Grey Stone Porcelain Tile 75 x 75cm
Ray Band Basalt 30 x 60cm Stone Effect Floor and Wall Porcelain Tile Living Room Floor and WallRay Band Basalt 30 x 60cm Stone Effect Floor and Wall Porcelain TIle Swatch
Ray Band Grey 30 x 60cm Tile Bathroom Floor and WallRay Band Grey Flames Decor 30 x 60cm TIle Kitchen Wall
Ray Band Ice 30 x 60cm Tile Living Room Floor and WallRay Band Ice 30 x 60cm Tile Patio Floor
Retro Gold 100 x 100cm Matt Porcelain Tile Dining Room / KitchenRetro Gold 100 x 100cm Matt Porcelain Tile Swatch
Revolution RLV Gris Stone Effect 30.3 x 61.3cm Tile KitchenRevolution RLV Gris Stone Effect 30.3 x 61.3cm Tile Swatch
Rezzo Gemstone Marble Effect Porcelain Tile Living RoomRezzo Gemstone Marble Effect Porcelain Tile Swatch
Roland Beige 60 x 120cm Matt Stone Effect Tile CafeRoland Beige 60 x 120cm Matt Stone Effect Tile Swatch
Roland Fossil Matt Stone Effect Porcelain Tile 60 x 120cm BathroomRoland Fossil Matt Stone Effect Porcelain Tile 60 x 120cm Swatch
Roland Silver 60 x 120cm Matt Stone Effect Porcelain Tile KitchenRoland Silver 60 x 120cm Matt Stone Effect Porcelain Tile Swatch
Roper Dark Grey Stone Effect Porcelain Tile 75 x 75cm Swatch

Discount Hallway Floor Tiles 

The hallway is the introduction to your home, so every element of this space must reflect your style and invite guests in the way you want to. Your hallway floor tiles play a major part in this, which is why taking time to select the best option for your home is important. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place! 

At The Tile Outlet, we’re pleased to offer a wide range of discount floor tiles for hallways that will showcase your style, stand the test of time, and not break the bank in the process. Shop online today and discover the difference our incredible tiles can make to your home. 

Why Choosing the Right Cheap Hallway Floor Tiles Matters 

The hallway is arguably the most high-traffic area of your home. Because of this, it is essential to select flooring that is durable and can handle the regular and consistent foot traffic that it’ll be subjected to. Compared with other options, such as carpet or laminate flooring, tiles stand out as the top choice. They’re known for their durability and exceptional resistance, which can handle years of wear and tear before they need replacing; the same cannot be said for carpet, which will noticeably wear down, or laminate, which is easily damaged.  

Selecting the best discount hallway tiles for your home is also important for aesthetic reasons. The hallway is the first thing you and your guests see when your front door opens, so getting the flooring right is important. It must reflect your personal style and tie into your interior design throughout your home. For example, if you have a traditional style, consider discount wood-effect floor tiles for your hallway. Or, if you like a modern and sleek look, our discount polished floor tiles may be a better choice. 

Using Your Discount Hallway Floor Tiles to Make Your Space Appear Larger 

Hallways can be modest spaces and are often long and narrow – but did you know you can use your hallway tiles to help make the area feel larger? Choosing light colours, such as discount white floor tiles, can help brighten up a space that sometimes feels dingy and dark. Similarly, opting for polished hallway floor tiles is a great way to allow light to reflect and bounce around the room, creating the illusion of more space. 

However, don’t be afraid to use dark colours or patterns in your hallway. When implemented the right way (such as matching your hallway wall tiles), they can also help the space appear larger than it is. If you’re unsure how to do this and what solution would work best for your hallway, don’t hesitate to get in touch, and our team will be more than happy to advise you. 

Choose The Tile Outlet for Discount Hallway Floor Tiles 

Look no further than  The Tile Outlet for cheap hallway floor tiles. We have an extensive collection of tiles to choose from in a range of sizes, styles, and colours, so you’re sure to find a tile that looks perfect in your hallway. And don’t forget, we offer FREE tile samples – order today and find the best fit for your home.